Email sent to Messrs. Rogalski (Assistant Legal Attaché, U.S. Department of State, F.B.I.) and Manjarrez (F.B.I.) informing them that I am now resuming my explanations.

On 2022-03-11, I sent 3 emails to the F.B.I.
This is the first email which was sent at 15:32 Beijing time. It was sent to Messrs. Rogalski and Manjarrez.
From: Vincent B. Le Corre
To: Adam Rogalski (Legal Attaché/State Department), Mahonri Manjarrez (FBI language specialist)
Subject: Now resuming my explanations of the aggravated crimes McDonald’s committed
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2022-03-11_1532_0800_email_to_fbi_resuming_explanations.pdfDear Messrs. Rogalski and Manjarrez,
I am now going to resume my explanations of the aggravated crimes committed by McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies and/or its suppliers.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in keeping explaining to you the aggravated crimes McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies and/or its suppliers have committed.
At least one of the reasons for the delay is that on October 10, 2021, I was assaulted by at least 2 men in the streets of Taiyuan, Shanxi province, China.
Yours sincerely,
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
2022-03-11 15:32 Beijing time
P.S. I am reminding you that this communication to the F.B.I. is published as an open letter. All of my open letters to the F.B.I. can be consulted on the following websites:
and/or ( is a non-official website on the F.B.I.)
in the future, other websites.
Most of my communications sent to the F.B.I. can be consulted at:
Most of my communications sent to Adam Rogalski can be consulted at:
Most of my communications sent to Mahonri Manjarrez can be consulted at:
To gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.